jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

How to install Ipython-zmq code ? (just for linux right now )

* c/c++ compiler (gcc)
* git client
* cython
* uuid-dev
* python-dev
* autotools (automake - autoconf - libtool)
* pkg-config

 install under debian/ubutu:
 #apt-get install  git g++ cython uuid-dev python-dev automake autoconf libtool
 # apt-get build-dep cython

install under redhat/fedora/OpenSuSE with yum:
 #yum install  git g++ cython uuid-dev automake autoconf libtool

 building  pyzmq:
 * download zmq libraries
     $git clone git://github.com/sustrik/zeromq2.git

  then run
     $cd zeromq2

     if you don`t have root permissions
     $./configure --prefix=your_favorite_installation_prefix
     $make install

     if you have root permissions
      #make install

      NOTE: I suggest you install like root

download pyzmq code:
     $git clone  http://github.com/ellisonbg/pyzmq.git
     $cd pyzmq
     edit setup.cfg
      example: setup.cfg

     if you don`t have  root permissions
      # Edit these to point to your installed zeromq library and header dirs.
      library_dirs = your_zeromq2_installation_prefix/lib
      include_dirs = your_zeromq2_installation_prefix/include

     if you have installed zeromq2 with root permission and default configuration
      # Edit these to point to your installed zeromq library and header dirs.
      library_dirs = /usr/local/lib
      include_dirs = /usr/local/include

     if you don`t have  root permissions
     $python setup.py  build
     $python setup.py install --prefix=your_favorite_ installation_prefix

     if you have root permissions
     #python setup.py install

   more info to install pyzmq in http://www.zeromq.org/bindings:python

Installing IPythonZmq.

Dowload with git
$git clone http://github.com:omazapa/ipython.git
$cd ipython
$python setup.py build
like root
#python setupegg.py develop


1 comentario:

  1. after several try on fedora 15, I must apply some change :
    yum install git was ok
    g++ must be changed by gcc-c++
    cython by Cython
    uuid... by libuuid-devel
    automake, autoconf libtool ok
    I also must add :
    e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-libs e2fsprogs-devel
    and then all is working without any python setup.py....
